The seminar-workshop entitled Solution-Focused Approach in Dealing with Depression was conducted on November 28-29, 2019. This two-day seminar was held at MindPro Training Center. The event was graced by people of different walks of life. There were attendees from the helping profession. Others were from the different sectors of the community, specifically teachers and office employees. The seminar-workshop aims to teach the attendees another approach in dealing with depression. It was a bonus for them that the Solution-Focused Approach is not only used for depression; but for a wide array of concerns, even those personal ones and not necessarily for mental problems. The technique is new to most of the participants.
In the beginning of the session, The Solution-Focused Approach is defined and differentiated from other approaches used in counseling and coping with problems. Clinical depression was also cleared and distinguished by the resource speaker, as pop culture dispenses a wrong notion of depression to the majority. The attendees learned the seriousness and red flags of a person with depression. More importantly, from that portion of discussion, they learned that depression is serious and more than just a sad feeling. As the session progressed, they were taught how to use the Solution-Focused Approach. To reinforce their knowledge, the participants underwent roleplaying where they partnered with other participants. With their partners, they took turns playing the part of the client and counselor. Being counselors, they used the specific techniques of the approach. After each set of partnering, the group discussed how they went with the process. The participants were made to comment and the floor was open for them for clarifications. The roleplaying and giving feedback cycled for a couple of times. This ensured the participants’ competency in using the approach.
At the end of the second day of the workshop, the participants felt the weight of the two days on their shoulders. Despite that, they had genuine smiles on their faces as the event had been an eye-opener for all of them. Aside from learning the technique, they were able to ponder on their personal lives. Some of them even started applying little changes in their lives already. At the end of the day, they came to grasp that people with troubles sometimes don’t need our advice; they only need our genuine presence and friends who would help them swim through the waves of their problems. Finally, the Solution-Focused approach provided the participants’ ways to help others find solution, rather than focusing on their problems.
Participants SFBT experiential activities
Participants trying the SFBT guided by Dr. Michelle Cellona
Two thumbs up. The workshop was very practical and useful. All my expectations were met and was able to apply all those insight that I learned to my present job. Thank you.
Thank you Dan, it’s good to hear good feedback from you.